Priestess Rising

- about -

Meet Marin Bach-Antonson of Priestess Rising

My name is Marin. I am a wisdom keeper, a way-shower and a priestess of ancient-modern ways.

Sisterhood is my soul food, and a woman’s circle is where I feel most truly “home”.

I've facilitated thousands of ceremonies, red tents and rituals for women over the span of 20 years. 

I am a catalyst, a channel and the creator of magic. I am an artist of altar-making and I love to adorn myself like the Goddess!

I am deeply connected to all aspects of the Divine Feminine but my holy trinity is Isis, Mother Mary and beloved Mary Magdalene. The rose is a symbol of my lineage.

I speak the language of the feminine soul. I’m terrible at small talk but I love deep vulnerable sharing. One of my favorite books ever is the Midsts of Avalon because of what it woke in me. And Women who Run with the Wolves. That was my bible for a good many years.


I am also a womb keeper. In an earlier chapter of my life I was a doula and held space for over 200 births. That ministry was inspired by the homebirth I had when I brought my son into the world. His birth woke the feminine warrior in me.

I am a priestess AND a mother. I’m also married, 24 years, to the love of my life. I adore my family but truth be told it can be hard to balance temple life with my traditional roles. Another truth….

Deep down there is a terrified part of me that’s afraid she is not enough. I have core deep wounds around my beauty. I grew up believing that I was ugly. That shadow still rears it’s head at times and I struggle in the grip of unworthiness. It is a practice to stay open to lifetimes of pain. I do my best to welcome the baptism of my tears when they flow .

My greatest knowing is that the path of LOVE is the embodiment of being fully human and fully divine.
I have broken parts and brilliant parts. I have hurt in me. I have holy in me. I seek not to be any kind of expert in my work but rather to simply be authentic. I am grateful our paths have crossed and I hope to meet you in the temple.

Sister to sister ~ soul to soul ~ hand to hand- heart to heart~ womb to womb~ sacred woman to sacred woman.

Deep bow of love to you, marin bach-antonson