Bless the Women

Bless the women who remember

Bless the women who still forget.

Bless the women who know their worth.

Bless the women who fear it.

Bless our sacred wombs.

Bless the power, the creation, the life force. The fire.

Bless the rage, the pain and the memories that scarred us.

Bless the sisters, the circles, our stories and tears.

Bless the uplifters. The teachers. The rebels. The queens.

Bless the ancient midwives, the holy heretics, the seers and witches.

Bless the ones who paved the way, forged ahead and found the path in great darkness.

Bless the mothers. The daughters. The beautiful and the broken.

Bless the creator, the destroyer.

Kali Ma


Bless our rising.

Our reclamation.

Our revolution.

Our return!

Bless the unfolding rose of every woman’s heart.
Bless the gift of our healing, our feelings, our intuition and wisdom .
Bless every women.

Bless the keys and codes she carries for us all.

Bless her hurt. Her pain. Her hardness. Her longing.

Bless her softness. Her warmth. Her tenderness. Her dreams.

Bless every woman.
Bless her AS SHE IS.
Bless all that she is BECOMING.

Bless. Goddess bless. The women.

Marin Bach-Antonson
The Technology of Sisterhood

SISTERHOOD is not only medicine.

It is a TECHNOLOGY in which, when used properly, can unlock the codes of remembrance.

This is the tenant I use when I bring women into sacred space -

We gather here in the 5D frequency of….

Sister to sister

soul to soul

hand to hand

heart to heart

womb to womb

holy woman to holy woman

And then… When we name each other SISTER, we are anchoring codes of the New Earth Template.

We are reclaiming the ancient ways.

We are re-igniting the feminine fires and re-calibrating the connections that are our birthright as women.

Patriarchy separated us.

We fell into patterns of compare and despair.

Gossip became the means of intimacy between women.

Betrayal became a virus among many.

But that is changing.

One of the things I KNOW about working with the technology of sisterhood is that HEART COHERENCE is the key!

When we are a circle in total heart harmonic frequency, then we activate the ONE HEART and it becomes a PORTAL for the higher realms to reach us and use us FOR one another!

When used properly,

One is held.

Another is healed.

And all are more whole through the technology of sisterhood.

Photo Credit: Carlene Kanellis

Sisterhood of the ROSE retreat - Mt. Shasta - 2023

Marin Bach-Antonson

To be a Magdalene 🌹 Rose Priestess
The authentic embodiment of HER LOVE.

It is to practice -
Loving thoughts
Loving words
Loving vibrations
Loving energies
Loving experiences
Loving the ordinary.
Loving interactions
Loving boundaries
Loving gestures
Loving forgivness.
Loving kindness.



To continually practice that art of staying open to the transforming power of love when the ego tells you to
shutdown and
stay away.

That is what builds the rose heart.
That is what blooms the rose soul.

It takes humility to
understand UNCONDITIONAL LOVE as Mother's sacred medicine - THE most powerful force in creation.

IN MY KNOWING, this is the true core of the ministry. To be a living temple of love.
This is the path of the Magdalene Rose Priestess.


Marin Bach-Antonson
The power of sisterhood in the Rose Temple  🌹

When women come together in circle, we go into safe and sacred space intentionally.

We cast the circle and say - 

Sister, I SEE you.



And I welcome you, with all my heart, to this circle.

One by one, a woman takes the hand of another woman as if to signal…

I’ve got you.

You belong here.

You are safe with me.

So often we come to each other with deeply held sister wounds.

We remember the pain of being rejected, unaccepted and perhaps 

betrayed by another woman - albeit a mother, a female lover or a long ago school friend.

The hurt is still etched in the somatic memory of the body.

Being open, vulnerable and truly seen can be scary.

So we start gently.

We look into each other eyes, run an infinity symbol between hearts and affirm:

I am you

You are me

We are one 

We are SHE.

Then…we spiral deeper.

We share our stories.

We speak the vulnerable truth of our hearts.

We hold each others wombs.

We breath.  

We sing.

We scream if energy is moving that way as Shakti Ma is invoked.

We allow tears to flow without trying to comfort.

We listen without responding but rather within the radical frame of simply witnessing.

Our words are woven.

A web of ancient wisdom is cast.

Hearts begin to open.

Sisterhood is born.

Slowly, and with patience, the velvet petals of the rose heart begin to unfurl.

The feminine soul feels cradled.

We shift into a frequency of divine sacred connection.

Past hurt yields to being held.

The holy rose gold flame is ignited.

We melt into the warmth of one another’s arms.

Reveling in the medicine of Mother’s Love.

Opening to receive.

Armor dissolves.

Heart walls give way.

Women soften.

Sisterhood is born.

Marin Bach-Antonson
To the RISING of the Goddess on Earth


Beautiful sister.


Have an ancient wisdom

that stirs within your womb.


Have a holy harmonic

An exquisite song.

An octave that resounds from the center of your heart.


Have a beautiful breath.

An exalted inhale and exhale.

That is a bridge.

which connects you to the Breath of God.


Are a masterpiece.

Divinely designed.

Made to uncoil~unfurl and bloom in this blessed journey called life.


Have wise thoughts, sacred words and a voice

of great value when you share your Soul Truth.


Beloved Woman.


Behold the Shakti force!

A fierce, feminine creatrix energy

In your bone marrow, your belly juices and the core of your being.



A royal queen of the most mystic realms

Waiting to be claimed.



And Reborn.





Here's to the resurrection of holy women everywhere.

Here's to the rising of the Goddess on Earth!

Marin Bach-Antonson
Please Love Me

I’m alone. I’m scared. I feel like I don’t fit in.

I fear l am not enough.

I am afraid I am unloveable.

I think there is something wrong with me. I am flawed. I am stupid. I am bad. I am a loser underneath it all.

I have been hurt. I'm afraid you'll reject me. I act like I don't need you but I do.

Even though I feel like I don't deserve it.

It hurts when I feel judged.

I just want to know I am cherished.

Said . Every person. Everywhere. Always.

We are all the same under the layers of armor.

Please, let’s just love each other.

Marin Bach-Antonson
He is not threatened by my hot and holy relationship with GOD

He is my husband of 25 years. My partner. My other half.

My beautiful man. There are so many things I deeply love, appreciate and adore about him.

But the thing I am most grateful for is that he is not threatened one bit by my hot, holy, all-encompassing, sacred relationship with God.

He knows I am ON FIRE for the Divine and he would never ask that to be different.

He understands that I live and breathe for getting drunk off beautiful moments when I can lose myself in the mystical.

He accepts that my longing for God is consuming, uncompromising, luminous and true.

He knows that pure fervor flows from the hollowed out space of my soul between myself and Source.

He doesn't mind when I melt, crumble and fall to my knees for one fleeting touch of God's pure presence.

He empowers me and gives me space to tend the garden of my heart, go inward to the holy of holies and be the devotee I am.

He doesn't always understand my rapture with the Beloved but he honors that it is a very real part of who I am. And our relationship thrives.

To give each other space to go to the sanctuary of our passions....I think this is an essential part of sacred union.

To love something with all of who you are is such an expansive, life-affirming love.

I am deeply blessed to experience this level of love for my husband AND for the DIVINE without needing to apologize or compromise.

Bless the men who respect, protect and revere the feminine mystic in us.

Bless the men who empower the women to be the priestesses they were born to be.

Bless the men who bow to the beauty of the Goddess in all her changing forms.

Bless the men who also walk the path of magic and miracles in their own way without needing to compete or compare.

Bless my man for being all of it and more.

It is you, I adore.

You, who I will always feel whole, home and held by.

You, who celebrates the essence of my soul and the song of my true being.

YOU, with whom, I am most ME.

Marin Bach-Antonson
This is Grace

I used to push. Use power. Use force. I wanted to be fierce! Tried to unfurl my own wings.

I used to want to MAKE things happen.

I focused on sacred manifestation, not as a way to align with my creatrix power but more to procure an outcome.

I thought that to be an empowered woman meant having the ability to bring forth my reality and express my highest potential.

Now I know different.

I am willing to know nothing. That vulnerability IS my greatest power.

Now…I am willing to believe that the most honorable, courageous choice I can make is to ALLOW.

When I soften.

When I surrender.

When I simply get out of the way....

I am allowing the SOURCE within me to move my life. This is GRACE.

And sometimes that happens in it's own time.

Not always easy for my ego.

But always in flow with my soul.

Often in glorious, surprising, ecstatic, unpredictable ways as well.

It's an on-going practice to unwind how I've been conditioned to pursue success.

It used to lead to exhaustion.

Now it's an ever-expanding practice of alignment and learning to lean in to just how easy it actually can be.

Marin Bach-Antonson
A new way to PRAY

I recently have come into a very clear, crystalline understanding about PRAYER and the power of it and I'm going to do my best to share this understanding here.

Firstly, it is so deeply rooted in our subconsciousness to engage in prayer as a form of pleading.

"Please God, make this person better."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with praying like that but it's just that it holds very little power .

Why? Because we are holding "that person" as sick, broken, and in need of healing which affirms their separation from the God -force they are.

What has been revealed to my awareness is this ~

Pray as a form of energy alignment and frequential KNOWING.

Here's how to BE a prayer for others ~

See the person you are praying for as whole.

See them in the complete glorious wholeness, divinity, light and perfection that they are and hold them in that vibrational state through the heart space.

See them as the truth of who they are and then see them remembering that truth and basking in it.

See their auric field and their life force glowing radiantly and align your radiant life force with theirs.

Come into your own frequency of total radiant well being and then see them in their total radiant well being and then join together in pure celebration of KNOWING KNOWING KNOWING KNOWING KNOWING that you/they/all of us are whole. That is the truth!

They are whole. You are whole. All is whole.

Really feel the JOY of it - seeing and remembering and experiencing them like that.

Yeshua didn't heal people.

He KNEW them as whole and because he held that knowing so strongly, he called people back into alignment with their own knowing of their wholeness. Instantly.

There are alot of people sick, afraid, hurting and suffering right now.

Please join me at this level of prayer if it feels in resonance.

Marin Bach-Antonson
What is my Mission?

We all seek to know our SOUL MISSION.

For years I struggled with having too many modalities, too many ideas, too much inspiration and no where to direct it all.

I was unclear, overwhelmed and uncomfortably STUCK feeling like I had so much to give and no outlet to make an impact.

These days, I understand that my greatest contribution is how I honor myself, how I honor others and how often I choose to respond to life with an open heart.

It was a EUREKA moment for me when I realized (real-eyes) that…

My soul mission is not anything I offer.

My soul mission is the unconditional embrace of all of myself and how I EMBODY the God Force within me.

In my EMBODIMENT of the Divine Mother’s unconditional acceptance and love (to the highest degree that I am capable of) I am contributing something far greater to humanity than any brilliant post, business offering , or book could ever do.


Your BECOMING is your most sacred mission.

Focus on that and all outward expression and opportunity to serve shall follow.

Marin Bach-Antonson
Detoxing from Patriarchal Programming - its not "them", it's in YOU!

To pause and rest and BE with yourself is TO HONOR your inner feminine.

So many of us have been indoctrinated to believe that to “achieve” is everything.

We are constantly seeking to be productive and this is a result of patriarchal programming.

We’ve disconnected from our natural rhythms.

Our core sense of worth has become woven in our accomplishments.

For so many of us, the art of simply BEING and not DOING is terribly uncomfortable.

Why? Because There is an ancient aspect of ouR energy that is frozen in the “fight or flight”response and therefore we develop an unconscious inner hyper vigilant need to prove our worth and even our rite to exist!?!

So where is your CORE WORTH tied up?

Is it in the money you make?

The number of FB or Instagram followers you have?

The state of your relationship?

How well your kids act? How many clients you work with?

Your weight?

How ageless your look?

How beautiful your home is?

The number of friends you have?

It takes an enormous effort to choose to release oneself from this programming.

Having done it, I can tell you it’s probably like a drug detox. The inner patriarchal programming literally has to come up and out.

The body will be so uncomfortable as it doesn’t yet know how to (naturally) relax and be in the present moment.

The mind must face its deepest fears of failure.

All trapped emotions must transmute.

It’s a process.

But one that is so worth committing to!!

How do you start?

1) notice where you are addicted to validation

2) understand that it’s your free will CHOICE to remove yourself from the do do do patriarchal-programming

3) begin to associate VALUE to your times of rest, sacred pause, silence and inner stillness.

4) be so very gentle and patient with yourself as your transitioning.

5) say aloud a million times a day…. I ALLOW MYSELF TO BE EXACTLY AS I AM. (until it becomes your truth)

I love you!

Marin Bach-Antonson
I have been REBORN and RESURRECTED - no joke!

A few days ago, we traversed the 8-8 LIONS GATE portal.

Unnder the dark of the new moon energy, in the depths of mother's womb, in wee hours of Saturday 8-8, I was REBORN.

Totally reborn and yes...resurrected

I danced through the dimensional veils of consciousness and I have entered through the gateway of heaven on earth.

It is exquisite here.

It's not that everything is song birds and sweetness. Here's how I can describe it..everything is overseen by the God in you.

The divine mind.

Not the earth mind.

It's pure, unabashed freedom from the polarity of the earth-mind.

Basically, heaven on earth is the FREEDOM from right and wrong. Good and bad. Light and dark. You vs. them.

You are free to see that EVERYTHING is divine.

I have been on the awakening journey for over 25 years.

I have faced shadow.

I have transmuted pain.

I have looked at my own powerlessness and unworthiness.

I have re-visited past lives to heal.

I have held my inner child as she has wept the deepest tears of grief.

I have given myself over and over and over to God in the spirit of pure surrender.

I have been emptied, stretched, expanded and tested.

Point is..this wasn't an "overnight rebirth".

It has been a ever-evolving journey and it shall continue.

For I have been shown that there is NO END to the ecstasy bliss, joy and expansion that is GOD.

GOD consciousness is infinite.

There is "no end point" to get to.

Heaven on Earth isn't a destination. It's just a new beginning.

Like turning the page to the next chapter in a book.

There is no goal to get to, however, there IS a tipping point from high levels of human vibration into the christ consciousness frequencies.

It's where we are all headed - through the "eye of the needle" into states of unity, where polarity collapses.

This golden kingdom is within you.

Just like Yeshua said.

It was the medicine of AYAHUASCA that midwifed this rebirth for me and ushered me through my own eye of the needle into the kingdom of heaven within me.

I have the deepest gratitude in my heart for our planetary Mother, Pachamama for giving this divine assistance to those of us who are ready.

(All I can say is this.

When AYA calls you....heed the call)

Here's what I can share from this new perspective.

Christ consciousness happens at the cellular level.

It is your cells that begin to vibrate with the new golden age frequency.

It is a body-mind-spirit transformation. It doesn't happen all at once.

We first must BUILD THE CAPACITY within ourselves to sustain these higher levels of "light" and life is always giving us opportunities to do that.

Life is benevolent.

You are so, so VERY loved and life is always on your side - even in darkest hours.

For life is always giving you the EXACT initiations you need to build this light body musculature.

The "game" if you learning to get out of your head and into your heart.

We all must learn how to keep our hearts OPEN to our life experiences no matter what they are so they can TRANSFORM us.

Traversing the hard stuff will help you build your light body infrastructure.

If you welcome your challenges and allow them, they will expand you and open you to more light.

Before this rebirth - I was facing one of the hardest initiations I have ever faced. Life can sometimes be a paradox. That is part of how it is designed.

There is SO MUCH I am being shown.

First off - there is so much love here and so much support from the other side for all of us.

We are never alone.

Covid is happening FOR us.

Everything being kicked up by the political debates and the vaccine disputes - its all happening FOR us.

The discomfort these things cause in you is inviting you to LOOK at yourself and go into the patterns that cause you to believe you are separate from GOD.

I've been guided to teach a Fall course that is all about the 7 Christ Consciousness frequencies and how to anchor the Heaven on Earth vibration.

For now, I'll share what is being shown to me:

  • CLEANSE! (whatever that means to YOU)

    A clean body literally helps you to have clarity in your perspective.

  • SURRENDER daily! Each morning, speak ALOUD some version of this daily prayer..."today I surrender my Earth Mind to my Divine Mind".

  • WECOME it all! When hard sh*t comes up, try to catch yourself and interrupt your REACTIONS that cause resistance. Try to remind yourself..."life is always happening for me"

  • GIVE IT TO GOD! When you are in resistance, give your anger, worry, frustration and rage to God. Give it all to God/Goddess. Do not hold it in your energy field.

  • STOP JUDGING and START ALLOWING! As humans we are judging-making machines. Notice how often your mind is judging everything. Start to practice ALLOWING things to be as they are. Feel into what this feels like by continually saying to yourself: " I allow myself to be as I am. I allow others to be as they are" Yes, this may will seem foreign (and damn scary) to the ego but it is the foundation that develops your Christ mind and your Christ heart (which is UNCONDITIONAL in frequency) Unconditional love. Unconditional acceptance. Unconditional presence.

  • BREATHE. Your breath is what connects you to the God in you. Your breath is bridge. Breathe to get out of the earth paradigm and into the christ paradigm.

That is all I'll share for now.

There is so much more flowing through this newly open channel.

I'll end with this.



I love you whether you agree or disagree with anything I've shared here.

I love you as you are.

I love you whole-heartedly.

I love you as a part of myself.

I love you.

Marin Bach-Antonson
How to Cut Cords and Dissolve Toxic Energetic Bonds

Did you know that when you feel resentful, angry, jealous or wronged by someone, often without even realizing it you are energetically corded to them?

As we move through life, we form energetic attachments to people and things. When those connections become negative,cutting cords can restore us and resolve leaks in our energy field that cause us to feel mentally drained, physically exhausted, or emotionally “off."

⭐️ Here are some indicators of unwanted energy cords between you and another:

  • You continually compare yourself to the person.

  • You don’t feel like your true self around that person.

  • A part of you is still holding on to hurt or pain, even though another part of you feels consciously resolved.

  • You consistently dream about the person.

  • And the number one indictor: you have low-vibration obsessive thoughts about the person you are corded to. 😬

The best way to thoroughly dissolve toxic energetic bonds is through the power of the heart and with sincere, sacred forgiveness.

However, forgiveness isn’t easy and it’s not always something we can mentally choose.

Fortunately in those cases, another method can be helpful. Here’s how…


First, it is important to understand that severing an energetic attachment to someone will only work as well as you truly desire it to. Simply going through the motions will not create desired results. 

You must be ready and fully willing to let go in order to create space for the healing to begin.

1. Drop into sacred space in whatever way you choose.

For example… Light a candle. Invoke the directions. Connect with your highest self. Call forth the presence of an ascended master, a council of light, angels or the unconditional love of the Divine Mother.

Perhaps make a crystal grid or do this ceremony within a circle of rose petals. There is no right or wrong way to craft sacred space. Use your intuition and let your heart lead.


2. Next, connect with your breath and become present. When you are IN the present moment, you are connected with your power.

Visualize roots coming from your tailbone and plugging into the heart of Gaia. Feel the stability that grounding brings to the physical and energy body. Once you feel you are grounded and relaxed, move into the visualization part of the ritual. 


3. In your mind’s eye see yourself sitting in a golden pyramid.  

Warm golden light fills the space in the chamber. Merge with this light frequency until you begin to feel safe, supported, loved, and relaxed. You will sense this is a place of deep healing. 

4. Next, call in the higher self of the person you are corded to. 

Speak their name aloud 3x to make the invocation and then see them sitting across from you. 

Visualize a shimmering stream of bright white light in the shape of an infinity symbol coming forth from your heart chakra center. Feel the light gently flow and pulse between your heart chakra and theirs. Do this slowly and meaningfully for 1-2 minutes. (Remember you are connecting with their higher self - not the personality self.)

As you look at this person explain that you wish them well and that you are now choosing to release them with love. Let them know that neither of you is being served by continuing this connection and it is time to move forward, each in your own direction.  

Next make it known that you are ready to see the detrimental energetic cord that has connected you both.  

It commonly appears in your solar plexus area, but it may be attached elsewhere in your chakra column. Trust your intuition.


5. State aloud:  "I acknowledge this cord and it is now my intention to cut it and release you with love."

Visualize a giant shimmering sword coming down from the capstone of the pyramid. You grasp it with your hand and swiftly sever the cord.

Note: If you have a selenite wand or dagger it would be beneficial to use it here. You can also use your physical hand as if it is the sword and make the physical motion of cutting.

When you sever the cord, visualize pieces of it flying up and becoming absorbed into the golden light like flickers from a flame. 

Then imagine pulling the root of the cord out from all 4 levels of your body and dissolve it into the light.

See the person across from you slowly dissolve into golden light.


6. Now, bask in the golden light as if it is pouring over and through you.  

You feel filled with love. You are at total peace and you feel a lightness that wasn’t present before. You feel supported in all ways. Sit in this loving space as long as you can. 

Enjoy the feelings that come with this practice. Don’t block anything that comes forth. If that energy releases in the form of tears or laughter that’s okay. As the feelings flow feel them, enjoy them and observe silently. 


Here are a few other elements you can use to add effectiveness to your ceremony.

Use sage, palo santo or florida water at the beginning and end of the ceremony.

Buy a piece of THICK burlap jute rope.

Before going into the pyramid, sit quietly and make the intention to unravel your energetic connection to the person you are corded to. Unravel the rope while visualizing the person and energetically feel the negative connection loosen.Burn, bury or release the twines to water when you are done.

At the end of the ritual give gratitude to The Universe for the loving support you received during this healing.

How will you know if your ceremony was effective?

You will feel less negative emotions and experience more feelings of indifference. 💙

I hope this was helpful.
May you be liberated and may light surround you.

Marin Bach-Antonson
My Most Vulnerable Post Ever

This will be, perhaps, the most vulnerable post I have ever posted.

It about the shame I carry around my physical appearance.

It is about eyebrows and ugliness, and the dark cellar within my psyche I have hidden an aspect of my younger self so no will see her.

Even though, I walk and teach and guide on the Goddess path, the raw truth is, there is a pain in me that keeps me from experiencing unconditional acceptance.

Although I have spoke of this in sister circles, I have never actually shared pictures and somehow that feels like an important piece.

And so here it is.

My pictures and my pain.

The story of my shame .

It is finally time for this to be spoken and seen:

I grew up ugly. I have always felt like the ugly duckling.

My mother was German- Irish and praised for being beautiful.

All my biological siblings look like her except me.

I was the opposite.

I was dark and hairy.

I inherited my Dad’s olive skin and his Italian-side genetic traits.

Kids made fun of me by calling me “hairy Mary”.

I used to bleach my arms with cream that burned until I finally shaved them.

Yes, I am humiliated to share this but the truth is, I shave my arms.

When I was in fifth grade, the cool-pretty girls kicked me out of their group and I was told not to speak to them, look at them or ever sit at their table again.

I have lived with the humiliation of that experience since the day it happened.

In my younger self’s mind, it was a piece of absolute proof that I was hideous.

And from that day, as it does when we begin to believe something, the evidence mounted.

I was never the girl in grade school, high school OR college that the boys were interested in. I felt like an absolute loser.

I was actually told by a drunk guy that I might have the potential to “be hot” if I lost a bunch of weight and colored my hair.

To this day, I am uncomfortable whenever I gain a few pounds or its been too long since I've gotten my highlights done.

My Dad once found old pictures of me and he joked, “don’t worry I won’t show them to Brain.” (my then boyfriend/my now husband)

I am crying as I write this because here is the truth.

That comment still hurts so deep when I think of it.

I adored my dad.

But he broke my heart that day.

It was yet another piece of proof that I should be ashamed for how I looked.

And now about the eyebrows.

It is so rare I let anyone see me without makeup.


I pretty much have no eyebrows and that makes me feel like a freak.

I plucked them in college after a makeup artist told me I’d look so much better if they weren’t so bushy.

I tore them out in a frenzy to feel less disgusting and the hair along my brow line never grew back.

The paradox.

I have to fill my brows with shadow and still, the ugly-evidence haunts me.

A friend's kid said to me recently (and innocently), 'why do you have those big brown lines on your face?"

And that's the thing about kids. They have no filter and so the fear that they are speaking the truth is that much more palpable.

When my son was three, he snuggled into me and said this: “Mommy you look so different in the morning. I don’t like your face in the morning.”

I became so red hot with shame, I almost fainted.

Proof again, that I was repulsive.

And so I hide.

I pretend the pain is not there.

I have buried that vulnerable unattractive girl in a prison of my own making.

I have stunning pictures all over my social media and on my website but it often feels like I’m fooling everyone.

My husband tells me I’m beautiful all the time and yet a part of me cannot take his adoration in.

He's an incredibly attractive man and my shadow voice taunts me wanting me to believe that people are secretly speaking behind our backs and asking..."What the f@ck is he doing with HER?

My deepest, darkest fear is this:

that -you-they-people-everyone will find out that behind it all, I am an ugly throw away that no one wants.

This fear of being found out as UGLY is what keeps my core wound active and in tact.

It is the hook that hooks me to the holograms of unworthiness, and unlovability.

It is what the snarly insidious voice in my head uses fear to keep me bound down and small.

And so here’s why I’m posting this -

I seek not to live in this shame spiral a moment longer.

On this holy day,

I am choosing love and liberation over fear.

I am choosing to let you SEE the parts of me that I am so terrified are worthy of rejection.

My overweight younger self.

My bushy eyebows.

My nearly black, frizzy hair.

My makeup-less face.

And how “ugly” I am next to my mom.

From the depths of my sacred heart, I thank you for witnessing me in this vulnerability.

I am hereby choosing self love over self shame.

I was ready for this step, on this day.

And I wasn't until today.

And that is ok.

I am bringing my younger self out of the shadows to sit on my lap for a while so she can get used to being seen in the light.

I hereby forgive her for NOT being what I perceived as beautiful.

When I look now, through the water of my tears, I see that she is precious and perfect exactly as she is.

I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her.

She's been hurting and afraid for far too long.

To all of our younger and afraid selves, that still live in the shadows -

May you too, be loved.

May you be held.

May you be forgiven.

May you brought home to the light of the one holy heart.


Marin Bach-Antonson
The Truth is I Just Want to "GO HOME".

When I was 33 years old I remember having a session with a beautiful and intuitive healer.

At that point in my life, I had two buoyant, happy babies, a beautiful marriage, a new home, a healthy body, lots of caring friends, a vibrant circle of sisterhood and a deeply spiritual life which I tended to as often I could as a new mother.

My life felt abundant and I was deeply content.

YET...there was a VOID I couldn’t put words to.

There was a longing so intense I had no context for it.

I remember struggling to describe it to this healer.

She prompted me to slow down, be in silence and just let the words bubble up from the center of being.

After a few minutes I heard myself saying..

“The truth is I just want to go HOME.”

It shook me when I said that because any outside person might have thought that I meant I wanted out of my life which wasn’t the case at all.

I feared that I sounded suicidal or insane to her.

Bless her heart. She smiled warmly at me and responded,

"Yes. I know that feeling well. My soul feels that way too".

So ok. Whew. I wasn’t crazy.

But still the feeling lingered.

For years, I lived within the paradigm that my sojourn on earth was a temporary experience and that someday, some way, my soul would find itself HOME.

I imagined a star family, a soul tribe, and a circle of cosmic elders welcoming me back when I was done with this rodeo show called “human existence” and the thought of reuniting with them warmed my longing heart and quelled the discomfort of being separated from this star-cluster I imagined was “HOME”.

In the past year, everything shifted.

So much has expanded. So much collapsed.

So much has been revealed.

Today, I have a different perspective and I wish to share it here for anyone else who has ever had (has) this feeling.

What I know now is that it is not necessary to leave Earth in order to go “Home”, for home is a state of consciousness, a state of connectedness generated from within yourself.

You are home when you return to your heart.

You are home when you find the mother/father within yourself.

You are home when you remember that you are the love of god.

You are home when you realize (real eyes) that you are one with everything.

Home is here and now but a breath away.

It is within you, always.

It is neither a space nor a place.

It is not somewhere we go.

It is a frequency.

it is a state of consciousness.

We can touch the exquisite vibration of HOME in many ways. Within the sacred pauses.

The potent silence.

The here and now.

The holy of holies.

Through laugher and nature.

Through womb prayer and dance.

Through seeing and being seen.

Through song and small acts of surrender over and over again.


It is not a far off star system or some other sacred galactic place.

It is a state of being.

It is who you truly are.

Today, I bow to you dear friend on the path.

I honor you.

I remember you.

I love you.

I will meet you in the sacred HOME of our shared being-ness.

Marin Bach-Antonson
Heart Smiling

One of my commitments to myself in 2021 was to strengthen my relationship with my higher self so that I could begin hearing her voice in a pristine, crystalline way.

So far each morning, in 2021, I have spent some time in silence and I ask... "Higher Self~Holy Self what would you have me know today?"

Today, she gave me the sweetest guidance and I wanted to share. She said..

"Sit for a for a few moments as if your HEART IS SMILING. This will open and activate the innocence of your heart and it will allow people to feel your essence in a stronger way.

Adopt "heart smiling" as it's own practice. Do it before each private session you have. Do it before each interview. Do it when you hear your children coming downstairs. Do it when you sit down to dinner. Do it when you greet the cashier. Do it as you dial your mother for the weekly phone call.

A smiling heart radiates with a force that will uplift everyone around you."

I wanted to share that because for a flash in the silence this morning I saw a whole world of smiling hearts and it was beautiful. Just beautiful. It is New Earth. It is heaven.

So..As I write this my heart is smiling through the screen at your precious heart.

I hope you feel it.

Perhaps you might want to pick it up and start the heart-smiling practice too. It is so simple. So quick. Yet so effective for connecting with your purity. Underneath all of our learned fears and scarcity patterning, each one of us is so pure. Oh, what a simple smile can do!

Marin Bach-Antonson
A Message for these Times ~ Oct. 2020

Keep invoking the Light!

Keep using the tools!

Keep expressing Hope!

Keep dropping into the heart!

Keep attuned to the massive Healing!

Keep coming from Joy!

Keep Loving yourself!

Keep being gentle with others!

Keep blessing Mother Earth!

Keep hugging her trees!

Keep forgiving when you can!

Keep finding time to envision the New and feel into the vibration of Harmony!

Keep expecting Peace!

Keep noticing what triggers you!

Keep doing the alchemy!

Keep transmuting the density!

Keep allowing your feelings to flow!

Keep unplugging!

Keep listening to your intuitive voice!

Keep being kind in small ways! (It makes all the difference)

Keep BEING your best self!

Keep believing in the best in others!

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

― Arundhati Roy

Marin Bach-Antonson
There Have Always Been Priestesses

There have always been priestesses.

Through the ages there have been women who carried the flame of the feminine within their womb cauldron.

Who carried the codes of the rose.

Who could find their way through the portals of their own heart.

Throughout the ages there have been women who never forgot they were sacred.

Who honored their womanhood as holy.

Who honored the body as the temple of Sophia.

There have always been seers and sorceresses.

Medicine women and feminine mystics.

Throughout the ages there have been women who gathered as a sisterhood.

Who held each others hearts and hands.

Women who spoke the language of circle and ceremony.

Who gathered to bleed and birth and bless the earth.

Who joined to laugh and love and live the rhythms of life.

There have always been wisdom keepers.

They erected the the red tents.

They spoke the truths, passed the stories and kept the secrets alive.

They knew the magic arts of Isis and Avalon.

Of Magdalene and the Black Madonna.

They paved the path for where we are today.

To the women through out the ages…we bow to you.

You are our lineage of light.

You live in our bone marrow and our belly knowing.

You whisper in the silence and sing in our dreams.

Thank you sacred sisters of another time.

We carry your legacy of love.

There will always be the women who…..REMEMBER

Marin Bach-Antonson
Dear Patriarchy,

Dear Patriarchy,

You have spent years in power and you have systemically distorted life and the human experience on this beautiful planet.

You have raped women, burned witches and banned the sacred feminine from your religions.

You have tortured children and silenced those who would expose your secrets.

You have shamed the feeling nature out of men until many were left to be shells of anger or false pillars of strength.

You have addicted us to your screens and your social media.
Your products and your pills.

You have stolen the human compass, so people can do longer find their way into the wild landscapes of the soul.

You fill our children with your deadened facts and false HIStory.

You de-value the role of their mothers and have distorted their birth experiences.

You have brainwashed our women into believing that cutting and slicing into their bodies will buy back a lost piece self-worth.

You have poisoned our air and distorted our food.
You have badly hurt our Mother Earth.

You have tricked us and taken from us.
Poked us with your needles.
Disempowered us with your news.

You have created a culture of zombies who are either chasing success or outrunning scarcity.
Never once realizing, they’ve signed their sovereign lives TO YOU, on the dotted line.

Dear Patriarchy,
Your time is drawing near.
Your darkness has been sustainable for one simple reason.
We forgot the MOTHER was in our heart.

Your campaign of beating the wisdom out of women and blocking the direct connect channels to Source was savvy.

You erased and eradicated HER.
You damaged and defaced HER.
But still, still, still……


The chains that have held Her in forced slumber are now breaking apart.

She is rising as a holy rage.
She is cresting as a sacred tsunami.

The quiver of a rose revolution has started.
Soon, it will turn into an uprising quake of unshakable love that you will not be able to stop.

Dear Patriarchy,

It can be so tempting to blame you, battle you, hate you and want to hold you accountable for what you’ve done to humanity’s innocence.

But the heart of the Holy Mother does not close. Ever.

The Mother’s Love is forgiving.
It is unwavering and infinite.
It is steady and safe.

Her love, will always be here.
Her love will welcome you home.

So Patriarchy.
As an emissary of the Mother, with Her undefended openness in my soul, I am choosing to love you.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
I love you because I know that you are me.
I am sorry for the pain and powerlessness you have suffered that causes you to perpetuate the harm.
I am sorry for your separation from Her.
I am sorry you are so lost from the truth of your Self.

No matter how far you have traveled into belly of darkness.
The depth of Her love melts the density of this madness.

From the dank inner prison of patriarchy.
Through the portal of Her Rose Heart Love.
May the healing of humanity, be so now.

Marin Bach-Antonson
A Transmission from the Rose Heart of the Great Mother

This TRANSMISSION came through and She insists that I share it.

It is for ALL but it will be understood most by those with a rose heart to hear.

When I get very, very quiet and very still and I make space to listen to Her.....through my rose heart, connected to the One heart of Love, SHE speaks in the softest of elegant whispers.

🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹

She says to me...

"Beloved...there is but nothing ever that is happening TO you. For that is not even a possibility.

Everything is choice at the level of Soul.

The soul (the higher self) it CHOOSES every experience that the human being is experiencing.

That which is car accident, disease, extra weight or a global pandemic...the soul has chosen to explore as an experience.

The human mind will "bang the loud pots" upon hearing THAT and the mind will shout and say why?! why?! why!?would I CHOOSE this awful thing that I am experiencing?

It must not be SO!

And we say to you, it is so. You are but divine consciousness having a human experience which is ultimately a grand, wonderful exploration through the lightest and darkest realms.

The realms of love and the realms farthest from it.

Why do you embark upon these experiences that you call life?


EVERY experience you can ever choose is encoded with the potential to bring one closer to knowing themselves.

Every experience you will EVER experience will either bring you closer to the love that you are OR further away.

That is all that is ever happening. Ever.

The life experiences are the soul choice.
They are never bad, wrong or faulty no matter how horrible you perceive they are.

What you do with them and how you BE with them or RESPOND to them is the human choice.

It is but a perfect design. Higher self and human self working in tandem for the ultimate interplay in the realms on earth.

So we say to you beloveds, please know this:

The greatest power you possess is the power of your CHOICE.

You can resist an experience. Many do.
OR you can open to it (to the best of your ability) AS IF you have chosen it. You can soften around it or better yet, surrender to it.

This opens the pocket of the experience.
When you stay in resistance that pocket remains closed.

Now let us remind you of this.
Resistance is not a bad choice, but it will keep the suffering active.

That is not a failure from our perspective. There is no failure.

Suffering is but an intelligent energy of "pressure" designed to work with you to SQUEEZE the pocket of "knowing" open.

Here is the importance of the pocket:

Within every difficult experience there is truly a hidden gift. It is the gift of accelerated energy that can CATALYZE one's knowing of oneself in a very rapid way.

Have you ever known the individual who has come ALIVE after the ordeal of disease, for example?

They opened the pocket of energy and were able to experience the gift of catalyzation!

Catalyzation is what crystalizes the human and expands the capacity for the light body.

The light body is the physicalization of 'KNOW THYSELF"

It is the Christed experience and it is available to you all based on the CHOICES you make in response to this most precious journey you call life.

Be with this a while.

It is a message many will benefit from especially in the upcoming days of your 2020.

You are to share this.

So we say again:

There is nothing happening to you, loves.
You have chosen all.
Humanity, right now, is but a wonderous colorful collective that has made the soul choice of pandemic at this time.

It matters not what others do or how they choose to respond.

The only thing that truly matters is how you hold the perception of the "other" and what CHOICE you are making around your own experience OF them.

Is it a choice that brings you home to thyself?
Or is it a choice that sets you further from thyself?



That is but the ultimate TRUTH of your life.

We are complete


Marin Bach-Antonson