Priestess Rising
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 An Introduction to Feminine Christ Consciousness and the Holy Work of:

Activating the New Feminine Light Codes

Opening the inner Magdalene

Illuminating your Sacred Womb

Embodying Sophia-Christos

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Dearest Beloved Sister of the Rose

Can you hear the gentle voice of the Divine Mother calling you?

She is calling you to your destined path.

She is beckoning you to take your place in the circle, amongst your rose sisterhood.

She is inviting you to re-connect with your lineage and remember that you are here to embody the Feminine God-Force.

She summons you to remember that you are a volunteer master soul who came to Earth to mid-wife the great awakening and serve the path of Love.

This isn’t the destined path for everyone.

But it could be YOURS.


🌹 an intuition at the depths of your soul that you are a feminine medicine keeper (even if you don’t have clarity about what the medicine is).

🌹a keen interest in the mystery school of Isis, the isles of Avalon, the lands of Lemuria and the timelines associated with Sophia.

🌹 a magnetic (often mysteriously strong) connection with Mary Magdalene and the Sisterhood of the Rose.

🌹 a reverence for your womb, your womanhood and the power of an open heart.

🌹 a deep resonance with the new feminine light codes ~ like the grail womb codes, the divine mother DNA codes, the dove codes, the Sophia codes and the sacred codes of the holy rose.

IF you are ready to take up the mantle of your rose calling and expand your capacity to embody feminine christ consciousness, it would be an honor to guide you through this introductory initiation experience.

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 We are living in pivotal times

The return of the priestess is happening now

The great remembering of the feminine is upon us

The galactic ascension is occurring

How long it takes is up to us

The more people that are aligning to christ consciousness, the faster we shall experience the new age of Grace



What is Christ Consciousness?

Is is a universal quality of pure-divine consciousness that aligns the mind with the heart (and womb).

When you begin to experience this high bandwidth of vibration, your human operating system comes into harmony with your higher self operating system and what results is the God-Force fully embodied in your human body.

All resistance and self-doubt is eradicated.

You no longer suffer within the matrix of separation.

All false perceptions and fear imprints are removed from the mind and you realize (real-eyes) the sovereignty of your soul.

When you begin to plug into the planetary grid of Christ consciousness, the lower (3rd dimensional) ego-self is gradually “crucifixed” as it is fully surrendered to the higher self construct and resurrection (ascension) begins. When this happens there is a measurable shift in orientation, from the focus on self to being in service to others.

You experience Divine Truth, which is the ecstasy of all encompassing oneness.

As Christ consciousness settles in within your being, you naturally gravitate towards leading your life from the space of love and power. Which is the space of an open heart, an illumined womb, and an aligned mind.

If you have an overwhelming desire to serve, you may like to know that your greatest contribution is not the offerings you make, but rather the anchoring of the new earth consciousness, as crystalline light, within your DNA.

You hold the templates of the new earth and the feminine Christ codes within you.

I can help you activate them!



My Story

The past two years have been initiatory times for us all.

For me personally, some of my initiations throughout 2020-2021 have been difficult and some have been expansive.

I had two profound awakening experiences that have opened me up to a new level of understanding and embodiment.

One happened at a Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat where I experienced a full blown kundalini experience. My crown chakra opened fully and I experienced a pure baptism of Christ-light. I saw the holy dove of Shekinah descend from heaven upon my heart to initiate a new level of my awareness. I experienced the ecstasy of being one with all and was shown the truth of who I AM that I AM.

A few months later, I experienced the sacred plant medicine of ayahuasca for the first time. During my aya journey, I was transported to a cosmic crystalline goddess temple where I sat with a circle of ascended masters.

I experienced my body being rewired on all levels and I was gifted a greater capacity to hold a higher frequency of diamond light. I received download after download about the different levels of Christ consciousness and was shown that it was now my time to take this wisdom out into the world. Although fear had been preventing me from making this offering. I know the time is NOW.

Are you seeking YOUR next level of initiation?

It would be a humble honor to guide you in how to align with the Feminine Christ vibration.

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There are 33 initiations that the soul must engage before fully opening the rose heart and activating Christ Consciousness.

🌹 In this program, you’ll learn about these 33 initiations

🌹 You’ll be introduced to the seven octaves of Christ Consciousness

🌹 You’ll learn about the Christ-virtues and you will discover which you already embody and which are ready for activation

🌹 You’ll learn specific priestess practices for aligning with the vibration of the feminine Christ

🌹 You will practice this alignment throughout the program which will ensure significant shifts in your energy body and your ability to activate your next level light codes


WEEK ONE: The Black Rose Gateway ~ The portal of the cosmic womb, the Christ grid and the quantum connection.

Before you can step into the ministry of vessel hood, one must understand the art of empty presence in order to be filled by the feminine God-force.

You will journey into the realms of the cosmic mothers womb and anchor your own rose temple in the multi-dimensional realms. Your temple becomes your portal for receiving divine downloads, accessing the mind of God/Goddess and attuning to the Christ grid.

You’ll learn how to shift out of earth mind and into divine mind so that you can start living from higher dimensional quantum consciousness every day.

You’ll also learn a powerful practice for clearing your womb of pain and shame so that it may be illuminated as a portal of light and life-force.

WEEK TWO: The Pink Rose Gateway ~ The cauldron of the mother and the power of feminine heart alchemy.

In week two you will be introduced to how to work with the cauldron of the mother and her heart codes.

You’ll learn how to dissolve heart walls, melt heart armor and use the power of feminine alchemy for greater rose embodiment and overall radiance. You will also connect with the feminine light codes and new earth archetypes that you are carrying.

You’ll learn a practice for keeping the heart opened and attuned to the divine vibration of innocence.

WEEK THREE: The Red Rose Gateway ~ Opening the Inner Magdalene

In the red rose gateway we invoke Mary Magdalene, who is a key code for feminine Christ Consciousness.

You’ll expand your oracle ability as you learn a practice for channeling Magdalene and the rose council.

You’ll discover how to be a receptor for the Christ frequency at the level of your body and how to support your physical vehicle for sustaining higher levels of sophianic light.

WEEK FOUR: The White Rose Gateway ~ Embodying Feminine Christ Consciousness

In week four you’ll learn about the 7 octaves of Christ consciousness and you’ll be introduced to three high priestess practices for anchoring crystalline consciousness at the DNA level.

You’ll receive a multi-dimensional Christ consciousness activation and you will be introduced to the “eternal gold” of your glorious heart and the white Mother flame of illumination.

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 This is a Four Week Pre-Recorded Program

Each temple session is 90 minutes.

Plus you get 4 Priestess PDF’s for each rose:

Move through the program at your own pace. Listen as many times as you like.

Pick your price. You choose what to pay for this program.

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No Problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

~ Albert Einstein

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Join me with Magdalene and the Rose Council to embrace your mastery, up-level your consciousness and claim your role as a catalyst of change.

Step onto the Rose Path and receive this introduction initiation now.

PURCHASE NOW~ Temple access will be sent to you immediately




She is a recently ordained soul MIDWIFE OF FEMININE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and a guide for ushering people through the gates of their own heart and into their new golden age.

She has re-established her connection to Sophia, reclaimed her role within the sisterhood of the rose and has reactivated her rose vows in this lifetime.

Marin is an alchemical fire-keeper for the white flame of illumination and she is a carrier of a library of feminine light codes.

At the core of her work, Marin assists women to activate the priestess light codes and embody rose mastery.

She has been leading rituals, women’s circles, and rites of passage for over 20 years. She has a true gift for creating sisterhood and safe spaces for feminine soul-initiation.

PURCHASE HERE ~ this is a pick your price program

Blessing you with rose petals upon your precious heart!

I hope you’ll join me for this walk down the rose path.


Upon registration you will receive a welcome email with all the information you need to access the Rose Path program.

Please be sure to check your spam folders and for gmail users, check the promotions folders Before REACHING OUT FOR assistance.

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