- about -
My name is Marin. I am a wisdom keeper, a way-shower and a priestess of ancient-modern ways.
Sisterhood is my soul food, ceremony is my sacred craft and a woman’s circle is where I feel most truly “home”.
I've facilitated thousands of rituals, retreats and rose temple offerings over the span of 25 years.
I am a catalyst, a channel and the creator of magic. I am an artist of altar-making and I love to adorn myself like the Goddess!
I am deeply connected to all aspects of the Sophia-Christos but my holy trinity is Isis, Mother Mary and beloved Mary Magdalene. The rose is a symbol of my lineage. “The WAY of LOVE ” is my religion.
I speak the language of the feminine soul. I’m terrible at small talk but I look forward to deep vulnerable sharing. One of my favorite books ever is the Midsts of Avalon because of what it awoke in me. And Women who Run with the Wolves. That was my “bible” for a good many years when I was younger.

As an emissary of the Divine Mother, I love helping women to claim the inner feminine, activate Christ consciousness, embody their 5D archetypes and gracefully step into a sacred ministry that is the calling of your soul.
In 2017 and again 2021, I had a direct experience with the Divine. The first time, it happened in my car of all places with Mary Magdalane. The second time, it happened at a Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat. In a deep meditative state I was overcome with a sense of total emptiness. I became nothing, no one, no-thing…and simultaneously, I was filled with the frequency of Creation- with eternal, omniscent, ever-unfolding LOVE and it was revealed to my consciousness that there is only ONE GOD and we are all it! I am God. You are God. We are God in ever present ONE-NESS. In that moment I was baptized by light which re-coded the cells in my body and changed the trajectory of my life. I realized (real eyes) that the awakening journey I thought I was on is a myth. In fact, there is no journey! We are already HERE. We are already WHOLE. There is nothing to heal. We simply must make space for the remembrance of ourselves as the radiant fractals of God that we all are. Everything is in each of us! To be in RELATIONSHIP with our wholeness over our perceived broken-ness is essential. I began to understand that the deficiencies I thought myself to be are nothing but falsehoods. I ceased to give them any attention and do not identify with them. Instead, I embrace the practice “be still and know thyself” as the God that you are. “I AM” I know now that where we identify is ultimately how we will experience ourselves in this dimension. Everything is choice!
After that encounter with the Divine in myself, I felt FREE, softened, opened and undefended in my heart.
I had a taste of the “Christ” within ~ the harmonic gold and the glory of who we truly are. One of my greatest passions now is holding space for people to bask in that glory so that they too, may begin to know the truth and holiness of themselves, hidden for lifetimes.
On a personal note. I’m married and have been together with my beloved for 29 years! We are now empty nesters with two kids in college and we recently took the biggest leap of our lives when we let go of our home and set off on a sacred travel sabbatical all over the world. We traveled to 25 countries. 45 states. 10 national parks. And are still at it until August 2025.
Oner thing I’ve learned along the way is this. Seek not to live life but rather ALLOW life to LIVE THROUGH YOU.
In an earlier chapter of my life, theater and dance were passions and I once performed on Broadway with Denzel Washington!
I also consider myself a womb keeper because of my previous work as doula. That path was inspired by the homebirth of my son. I had the privilege of attending over 200 births and that work catalyzed great mastery in me for holding the most tender, gentle, safe and sacred spaces for women who are now RE-birthing themselves into the higher frequencies.
As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” There is so much truth in this and transmitting these eternal source-codes, to those who are ready, is something I live for!
So even though I’ve shared my strengths, please allow me to share a vulnerable side too.
The truth is, I grew up believing I was an ugly duckling. The shame I felt then, resided in my cellular waters for decades and it is was an on-going journey to acknowledge, accept and alchemize the pain I had identified with.
I also carried the bruise of a mother wound . The betrayal of not feeling fundamentally embraced by my mother cuts deep.
Ultimately, I know now that this pain catalyzed my purpose and the work I do now on behalf of the divine mother was born from the depth sof longing. Ahhh… the paraox of life! ?
As I thawed, I cried rivers of tears and actually, I’m proud to say that. I know my tears are a baptism of spirit.
I also know that the key to the kingdom lies within the paradox of being fully human and fully divine.
We all have hurt in us and holy in us. I seek not to be any kind of expert in my work but rather to simply be authentic. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I am grateful our paths have crossed and I hope to meet you in the temple.
Sister to sister ~ soul to soul ~ hand to hand- heart to heart~ womb to womb~ sacred woman to sacred woman.