Priestess Rising

the goddess guide


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The goddess Guide Ritual Craft Toolkit by Priestess Rising

This beautiful 80+ page ebook is an inspiring resource for leading circles, crafting ceremony and designing sister gatherings of your own.

It is packed with information that every priestess should have!


In it, you'll receive:

✦ Scripts for invoking different aspects of the goddess, creating sacred space and casting a sister circle
✦ An outline for calling in the directions
✦ Prayers for abundance, healing and activating your inner priestess daily
✦ Step by step ritual templates including:

- 7 Sacred Oils Anointing Ceremony
- The Red Thread Ritual
- Spring Equinox Gathering
- Sacred Womb Ceremony
- Dreamtime Temple Ritual

Ceremony and Ritual Toolkit

You'll read about the need for ritual in modern life and the importance of your role as a rising priestess.

Included in the ebook is a list of sacred priestess oils, must-haves for your priestess tool box and a page of recommended ritual music.

The goddess Guide Ritual Craft Toolkit by Priestess Rising

This is an incredible resource every woman on the priestess path should have!

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