Priestess Rising

Activate your 5D archetypes.

Expand into your limitless eternal nature.
Anchor the new earth templates at this pivotal time!


Why is this so important now?

Claiming your archetypes and activating their energetic coding will help anchor the 5th dimensional “heaven on earth” frequencies for all of humanity at this transitional time.

Connecting with your archetypal energy will help you understand why you are here, what signature vibrations you are meant to express and how you are meant to serve in the New Earth paradigm.

Your 5D feminine archetypes are part of your divine blueprint.

They are a map for fully embodying your most luminous, whole, holy self.

Archetypes also hold important clues about your sacred work and your soul’s purpose. If you struggle to understand why you are here and how you are meant to serve, it is very likely you are not meant for a traditional role in the 3rd dimension.

Have hope! Once you understand your 5th dimensional archetypes, things start to gain momentum and your mission begins to take shape like never before.



Would you like to know which archetypal codes YOU carry?

Perhaps you are a womb alchemist, a water keeper, a mystic, a medicine woman or an archetypal Magdalene.

Perhaps you carry the codes for the sacred rebel, the earth steward or the sovereign queen.

I have channeled a list of 60 higher dimensional
Divine Feminine Archetypes and have created a process for you to discover and activate yours!


Begin your 5D Divine Feminine Archetype Activation


After registering, you will immediately receive a welcome email with access to all activation materials. If you do not see the email, check your spam and promotions folders.

Red Tent Sisterhood

I will guide you through a simple, yet sacred process that will change things on a cellular level.

You will discover the top 3 or “core trinity” of archetypes that you carry within your blueprint, and you will…

✨ ACTIVATE your archetypal codes and 5D crystalline light body.

✨ absorb more Unity Consciousness into your Being & reality.

✨ experience an influx of 5th dimensional diamond light through your high heart.

✨ “switch on” the infinity symbol technology to connect with and balance your 3 feminine sanctuary centers.

✨ ANCHOR your “heaven on earth” template.

✨ learn how to cast off shadow imprints (held at the level of your electrons) that are currently blocking your luminous expression 

✨ work with the flames of purity, forgiveness and transfiguration.

✨ send your Higher Self out into future timelines to clear obstacles and energy traps.

✨ learn how to work with the “I AM” (Moses) code - the most powerful code technology available to humanity at this time.

  • After registering, you will immediately receive a welcome email with access to all your activation materials. If you do not see the email, check your spam and promotions folders.


Every person who registers will receive:

  • The 5D Divine Feminine Archetype Activation videos which includes the process for discovering your archetypes codes.

  • A bonus video for mastering the “I AM” (Moses) code and how to use this technology to manifest abundance, optimal health, twin flame relationships and anything your heart desires!

  • An e-book with a list of the 60 archetypes and instructions for how to establish your archetypal altar, how to create an archetypal energy collage and more.

  • An anointing ceremony script. This is a myrrhophore ritual for solo or circle work.

  • An e-book of daily priestess practices and scripted decrees that will totally support you to further anchor the light codes you’ll be activating.


Are you willing to step into your next level of Divine embodiment and expand the new earth?

👇🏻 DISCOVER and ACTIVATE your 5D Feminine Archetypes HERE 👇🏻

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“You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” 

~ Buckminster Fuller

Let’s build the new model together by claiming our 5D archetypes!

  • After registering, you will immediately receive a welcome email with access to all activation materials. If you do not see the email, check your spam and promotions folders.
