A Transmission from the Rose Heart of the Great Mother
This TRANSMISSION came through and She insists that I share it.
It is for ALL but it will be understood most by those with a rose heart to hear.
When I get very, very quiet and very still and I make space to listen to Her.....through my rose heart, connected to the One heart of Love, SHE speaks in the softest of elegant whispers.
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She says to me...
"Beloved...there is but nothing ever that is happening TO you. For that is not even a possibility.
Everything is choice at the level of Soul.
The soul (the higher self) it CHOOSES every experience that the human being is experiencing.
That which is car accident, disease, extra weight or a global pandemic...the soul has chosen to explore as an experience.
The human mind will "bang the loud pots" upon hearing THAT and the mind will shout and say why?! why?! why!?would I CHOOSE this awful thing that I am experiencing?
It must not be SO!
And we say to you, it is so. You are but divine consciousness having a human experience which is ultimately a grand, wonderful exploration through the lightest and darkest realms.
The realms of love and the realms farthest from it.
Why do you embark upon these experiences that you call life?
EVERY experience you can ever choose is encoded with the potential to bring one closer to knowing themselves.
Every experience you will EVER experience will either bring you closer to the love that you are OR further away.
That is all that is ever happening. Ever.
The life experiences are the soul choice.
They are never bad, wrong or faulty no matter how horrible you perceive they are.
What you do with them and how you BE with them or RESPOND to them is the human choice.
It is but a perfect design. Higher self and human self working in tandem for the ultimate interplay in the realms on earth.
So we say to you beloveds, please know this:
The greatest power you possess is the power of your CHOICE.
You can resist an experience. Many do.
OR you can open to it (to the best of your ability) AS IF you have chosen it. You can soften around it or better yet, surrender to it.
This opens the pocket of the experience.
When you stay in resistance that pocket remains closed.
Now let us remind you of this.
Resistance is not a bad choice, but it will keep the suffering active.
That is not a failure from our perspective. There is no failure.
Suffering is but an intelligent energy of "pressure" designed to work with you to SQUEEZE the pocket of "knowing" open.
Here is the importance of the pocket:
Within every difficult experience there is truly a hidden gift. It is the gift of accelerated energy that can CATALYZE one's knowing of oneself in a very rapid way.
Have you ever known the individual who has come ALIVE after the ordeal of disease, for example?
They opened the pocket of energy and were able to experience the gift of catalyzation!
Catalyzation is what crystalizes the human and expands the capacity for the light body.
The light body is the physicalization of 'KNOW THYSELF"
It is the Christed experience and it is available to you all based on the CHOICES you make in response to this most precious journey you call life.
Be with this a while.
It is a message many will benefit from especially in the upcoming days of your 2020.
You are to share this.
So we say again:
There is nothing happening to you, loves.
You have chosen all.
Humanity, right now, is but a wonderous colorful collective that has made the soul choice of pandemic at this time.
It matters not what others do or how they choose to respond.
The only thing that truly matters is how you hold the perception of the "other" and what CHOICE you are making around your own experience OF them.
Is it a choice that brings you home to thyself?
Or is it a choice that sets you further from thyself?
That is but the ultimate TRUTH of your life.
We are complete