Your Tears are Medicine
Yes cry, my love.
Cry!!! CRy!!! CRY!!!!
Cry big and messy. Cry loud and long.
Cry hard and holy.
This pain is normal.
This pain is ancient.
This pain is collective.
This pain hurts.
When it is stuck, it weighs heavy on the heart.
Do not push it down.
Pray to make it go away or believe there is anything wrong because you are feeling this.
Feel this.
Open to this.
Expand into this.
BE with it.
Lean in.
Let go.
Move the energy.
My love,
You were born for this.
You are the one that will collapse the patterns for your lineage.
You will heal your ancestors with every tear that drops from your face.
You are the gateway for the next generation and you posses a great power.
Your tears are medicine for many.
You came here to release the pain body.
You came to transmute fear.
You agreed to move the emotion of millions through your own nervous system in order to bring forth a sacred new world.
C.R.Y dear love.
Cry and make space for the alchemy.
Cry to turn lead into gold.
Cry to empty it out and allow the light to return to earth through the portal of your heart.
Your tears are a baptismal pool.
Your tears anoint the world.
Cry, Goddess.
You are bestowed with a great gift in being a woman.