Are you being called to lead the way for others as a

messenger, medicine woman, way-shower, wisdom keeper or priestess?


Hello Beautiful Sister,

I’m excited for you to listen to my free recording of

5 Signs that you are called to Sacred Feminine Leadership.   

This isn’t your typical free gift audio.  This is an experience.
You’ll be deeply guided into ceremonial space where you will not only receive the sacred woman’s wisdom I share, you will also experience a transmission of energy that will nourish your feminine soul. 
I invoke a powerful circle of Goddesses.
I share the 5 signs that indicate a leadership calling. 

Are you experiencing any of them?

I also talk about the #1 mistake women are making by reacting to their “inner call” rather than responding to it.  I’ll share with you how you can avoid months or even  years of suffering by avoiding this mistake. 

All you have to do to have this free gift is

Love & Sisterhood,


Creator of the Priestess Rising Initiation Program