Priestess Rising
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On Summer Solstice, June 20th, the sun will be at the highest point and in its peak power in the northern hemisphere.

The Divine Universal Light of the Sun brings an infusion of new golden light codes into the matrix around our planet that will yet again support us in anchoring higher levels of light frequency within our physical form.

Days such as Solstice are cosmic trigger dates for heightened transformation, beckoning us to acknowledge our divine power and awaken our dormant potential.

Summer Solstice is the perfect day to receive your golden light attunement
and be initiated into working with the Pyramid of Light.




What is the Pyramid of Light?

It is an inter-dimensional, sacred geometric TECHNOLOGY that has been gifted to ALL of humanity by the higher realms, not only assist us in the return to wholeness, but also to support us in being pioneers as Galactic Masters incarnate on Earth.

By engaging with pyramid technology, you can awaken more of your golden light body and gain access to the master codes that you are carrying for the oncoming Golden Age.


Each of us who is drawn to path of light carries signature soul-codes. Whether they are abundance codes, pleasure codes, heart codes, resurrection codes or more, the pyramid of light is portal through which your codes can be accessed, unlocked and activated!

Connecting with your signature codes can give you insight into your sacred work and soul purpose.

There are also countless other benefits of knowing how to work with the pyramid of light. It is an advanced technology that will not only support you but your clients, family, and anybody that you interact with once you have activated this technology within your matrix.

YES! I want to activate my Pyramid of Light!

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The experience with me on Summer Solstice will be both an initiation and a channelled transmission. 

  • You will be ushered into safe and sacred space to connect with your higher self and activate your own pyramid of light technology.

  • You receive a golden light bath attunement. According to Edgar Cayce, Golden Light can be thought of as equivalent to Unconditional Love. It’s such a high vibration that it can clean and transform almost anything.

  • You will learn how to use this technology for initiating alchemy and transmuting all densities, including your emotions, thoughts, belief systems, karmic linage imprints patterns of behavior and ways of being that simply do not serve you any longer. Working with the pyramid on a regular basis aids you in feeling stronger, more centered in your heart and less affected by third dimensionality on earth.

  • You will practice using this powerful device to enhance your ability to channel, speak light language and have intuitive communications with the ascended masters and galactic realms.

Yes!  I want to activate my pyramid of light


Many of us are the pioneers to bring this technology into these realms for the first time, supporting the evolution of Mother Earth and all of life upon her.

We are in the beginning of a brand new era of love, lightness, peace, gentleness, beauty and golden Christed energy that is soon to be embodied by those with the capacity to hold this high frequency.

The technology supports the integration of New Earth, which is not a place we are headed to, but rather a state of harmonic consciousness we are learning to anchor in physical form.

When you know how to work with the pyramid of light, you can activate it at any time to bring yourself into the elevated state of New Earth consciousness where you can “see” the perfection of any situation and unhook the lower mind from the habit of suffering.


Are you drawn to golden light?

It is a time to infuse yourself with the highest, clearest, purest truths of who you truly are.
You don’t arrive to New Earth.
It arrives through you.

The Pyramid of Light has been given as a gift to assist this in us.


~ Join me for this powerful activation ~

Summer Solstice, June 20th 
(approx one hour in length)

 Start Time: 11 AM PST | 2 PM EST | 7 PM EST | 9 PM Isreal

Note:  When you register you will receive an email with your zoom link to access the event  LIVE.  The activation will be recorded and sent to all who are registered directly following the event.  

GMAIL users!  Please be sure to check your promotions folder before reaching out for assistance. 

For an optimal experience it is recommended that you work with this energy within three days of the Solstice portal.

Yes!  I want to activate my pyramid of light

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Visualize a golden light within you and spread it out. First to those about you - your circle of friends and relatives - and then gradually to the world. Keep on visualizing God's golden light surrounding our earth.  You have no idea how helpful this is for bringing peace to these realms.” -Peace Pilgrim

from the book, Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words

Sunday,  June 20th
on Zoom @ 11 am PST/2 pm EST/7 pm UK/9 pm Israel 

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