Priestess Rising

8-8 Lions Gate Activation

Tuesday, August 8th ~ 10-12pm PST


Activate your lioness codes.

Calling all priestesses, light workers, sacred feminine way showers, star seeds and pioneer souls!

Every year, from July 26th – August 12th there is an energetic portal which opens, known as The Lion Gate.

It is the time, during Leo, when the energies are powerful due to a clear cosmic alignment between the Earth and the royal star Sirius, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun.

The Sirian energy is all about upgrading frequencies and expanding consciousness at an accelerated rate.

When the Lion’s gate is open, Earth is BATHED with power, potential and a new stream of consciousness that allows you to anchor higher timelines, expand divinity in the human form and tap into the limitless nature of your being.

It is a potent time to connect with your cosmic lineages and star families, as the ability to cross other dimensions and astral travel is strong at this time.

Past civilizations, including ancient Egypt, were very in tune with the Sirius constellation, which they believed was the gateway to the heavenly realms and the home of higher vibrational beings of great wisdom.

The Lion’s Gate offers an incredible opportunity to us all.
It is a powerful time to say YES to ascension upgrades!

We have already received huge planetary downloads in recent months and now another big one is coming with the opening of this Stargate Portal which reaches its peak on August 8th.

There is an intense surge of light coming through this portal! The energy is SUPER CHARGED.

It is a peak moment to be receptive to the galactic, transcendental Sirian energy that will flow to us.

The potential for accelerated planetary evolution is REAL.

One of the greatest gifts this gateway brings us is the potential for true freedom and sovereignty from the lower realms!

We need all “hands on deck” to receive this influx of light!

The galactics want to support us but we must be willing to receive!

On Tuesday, August 8th you are invited to join us in the lioness priestess temple to consciously receive the plasma Sirian starlight that will activate your ascension codes.

Together we will invoke The Royal Lion Beings, and other Star Family Races to receive their messages and guidance.

You will also call in YOUR INNER LIONESS archetype so you can make a powerful ROAR that sets epic energy in motion and activates a new level of your algnment!

During our ceremony you will —

♦️ Be bathed in cosmic Lion’s Gate light
♦️ Be held in a high feminine frequency and woven into the heart of sacred sisterhood
♦️ CHOOSE your Highest Timeline
♦️ Meet your Sacred future Avatar-Self
♦️ Release lower density karma
♦️ Activate dormant DNA and new ascension codes


Tuesday, August 8th from 10am-12pm PST
or listen to the recording

⭐️ or save when you register for all 5 activations with Marin in 2023 👇🏻

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