~ Triple Rose Chalice Introduction ~
In this introduction video Marin shares offers a transmission that will prepare you to optimally receive the “Triple Rose Chalice Activation.
~ Triple Rose Chalice Activation ~
Get ready for an incredibly powerful, truly transformational activation experience. You’ll have chills throughout your body as you journey to the multi-dimensional realms where you will meet and merge with Magdalene in the inner sanctum of her sacred cave.
On the way, you’ll receive 4 energy-attunements to prepare you to receive the codes she has to offer you. You will be activated in your 3 feminine centers with 3 rose codes:
The white rose in your heart.
The pink you for your womb.
The red rose at your yoni.
At the climax of this experience, you’ll receive the chalice activation. She will pour her diamond light frequency through you as you become a holder of higher codes and vessel for rose love. This activation is led by Marin.