Priestess Rising

4 Months ~ October thru Januaruy

For preisetsses ✨ Mystics ✨ sisters of the Rose ✨ Volunteer Souls ✨ and women on the path of “I AM” remembrance

❤️ Beloved ❤️

There is a key to living the most aligned,abundant, miraculous life.

It is the same key that allows you to master the creation codex.

Be a crystalline vessel,

Activate your rose heart.

Illuminate your holy womb. 

Rise in your feminine leadership and

live as an embodied goddess on earth

The key is this - expand your capacity to hold higher levels of source-force energy at the cellular level


For lifetimes, you prepared for this pivotal time.

You are here to help fulfill the Divine Plan.

Now, is the heralded moment you were born for!

We are shifting from the paradigm of self improvement into true “I AM” embodiemnet.

We are shifting from the collective obsession with “purpose-living as an entrepeneur” into

Authentic service as an anchor of unsayable love and sacred union.

If you are ready to awaken the inner mystic, embody the inner magdalene and take up the mantle of the rose, please read on!

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These were the words Magdalene transmitted into the silence of my being the first time I sat in sacred stillness with the intent to “abide" in the frequency of the Feminine Christ.

It was through my heart flame that she pulsated waves of love which radiantly lit my cells and brought me into total exaltation. Although she had come into my meditations several times prior, this was the activation that changed me.

And so, I began to make it a regular practice. I would speak an invocation. Meet her in the temple. Lean back, let go and SOAK in the love of God streaming from her heart portal into mine.

Over time, she mentored me on the harnessing the power of “I AM”,

working with the creation codes,

understanding the beauty way and

sustaining sacred prayer throughout the day in a state of devotional constancy.

Suddenly, there was a an opening in my life. An expansion. A momentum. Movement like I had never experienced before. And then true miracles started to happen. ✨ If you have followed my story over the past two years that you know some of what these are - like the a fully paid year of sacred travel sabbatical. Pilgrimages to Egypt, Avalon, South Africa and 22 beautiful countries. I received surprise invitations to lead international retreats, an unexpected book contract, a dream home falling into my lap and an opportunity to live for 6 months in Italy starting next year. I did not ask for any it. I didn’t hustle, force or effort at all. I didn’t utilize manifestation techniques. I didn’t TRY to uplevel my life in any way.

Looking back, at this arc, what I know now is this:

I joyfully began focalizing my energy, self correcting my daily course and BEING in a state of divine illumination to such a degree that I stopped living life and LIFE STARTED LIVING ME.

I began not to desire anything except to use my life to glorify God and thus, God gifted me Her glory.

During my sabbatical, I grew exponentially. I studied the science of sacred geometry, the Law of One, the Course in Miracles and the I AM discourses.

I also up-leveled my relationship with Magdalene. Per her guidance, I stopped engaging with the question - who WAS Mary Magdalene? Instead, Istared asking, who IS Mary Magdalene? That opened a conduit of electrified energy between us in which she started to inform my consciousness so I could refine what I was experiencing and make it teachable.

I now have a brand new body of sacred curriculum to share. A ROSE CODEX! It is comprehensive. But it is not for the mind.

Rather, it is for the inner mystic that is ready to abide in THE ETERNAL LIFE PARADIGM.

This upcoming temple immersion is an opportunity to receive the Magdalene heart flame light transmissions, live the mystic teachings, soak in the frequency of the feminine christ, fully surrender yourself to God and harness the I AM - source - force energy in your own life.

It would be my JOY to serve you and welcome you into this sacred sisterhood container of the Magdalene Rose “I AM” temple immersion. It would truly be my JOY to share this with you.


  ✦  The Magdalene Rose “I AM” Temple Immersion ✦

An exciting feminine soul journey through six sacred pillars


I. II. III. IV. V. VI.


🌹Pillar I ~ Blessed by the Ankh - Introducing The Eternal Life Paradigm 

  • purification ceremony- releasing cords the life/death paradigm to

  • protection practices

  • radiance techniques - working with anhk as a s

🌹Pillar II ~ The Beauty Way - Entering the the Portal of the Heart 

  • purification ceremony- release your PLUG-IN to the life/death paradigm to

  • protection practices

🌹Pillar III ~Become the Chalice -Embracing your Priestess Ministry 

🌹Pillar IV ~ Baptism by Fire - -Soul-Illumination and Sacred Light Alignment

🌹Pillar V ~Birthed into Bliss - Activating the Creation Codes 

🌹Pillar VI~ Basking in The Feminine Christ -  Exhalting the  “I AM”

You will also learn about the ROSE herself as a coded symbol seeded eons ago,
meant to stir the soul
and awaken us to our group mission as part of the Divine Plan.

Can you feel this? Does this feel true for YOU?

If so, sister, I extend this invitation to you to join us in embodying the “I AM”

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This sacred work unfurls with 4 distinct experiences.

  • The “IAM” Transmissions

Each week, on Monday morning, you will receive an in-depth, pre-recorded, temple transmission to your inbox.

These transmissions can be listened to at any time. They are a map for guiding you

  • Second Phase

Now it’s time to clarify and claim your role as a rose priestess and learn about the Rose Codex.  

During this retreat, I’ll take you through a mastery-level temple process using modern/ancient priestess practices
for cleansing and preparing the body for next level plasma light and rose frequencies.  
You’ll work with Magdalene, Mother Mary and Isis
to prepare your heart, awaken your womb and expand your rose wisdom.

NOTE:  When you register you will get instructions for how to prepare and how to participate. 
Please check your inbox.


~ Program Overview ~

The 5 Pillars



BLESSED by the Golden Ankh - An Introduction to the Eternal Life Paradigm


The BEAUTY WAY - Entering the Portal of the Heart


BECOMING the Chalice~ Aligning with your Priestess Ministry


BAPTISM by Fire - Soul Illumination and Creation Codes


BASKING in the “I AM” Frequency of the Feminine Christ

This 2 part online temple retreat is conducted over Zoom but truly, it takes place in the multi-dimensional realms.

NOTE:  When you register you will get instructions for how to prepare and how to participate.  Please check your inbox.



We gather on the NEW MOON:

Friday, October 16th
2pm-4pm PST/(5pm-7pm EST)


Saturday, October 17th
12:30pm-3:30pm PST/(3:30pm-6:30pm EST)

NOTE: there will be a short break each day

Also included: as a participant of this retreat you’ll receive powerful
materials to support your priestess practice,
including clearing scripts, activation prayers and
directions for how to do personal energy attunements.
