Priestess Rising

Is there a deep part of you that KNOWS:

  • You have served the path of love for lifetimes.

  • You are an ancient priestess who holds potent power and innate wisdom.

  • You have sat in the goddess temples of antiquity and have passed many mystery school initiations.

  • You carry high frequency feminine codes within your blueprint that await activation.

  • You were born to help usher in the age of light!

Sister, The Rose Codes were designed for YOU!


The codes calibrate you for 5th dimensional sacred service and vessel-hood.

They call you home to the heart of the sacred feminine and allow you to re-claim your role as a living “petal” of light on the Rose Heart Grid.

When you activate the 13 rose codes, you are turning ON different frequencies that awaken your archetypal energy blueprint to help you understand:

who you are

why you are here, and

how you serve!


The codes also help you uncover your soul’s ministry as they mirror YOU back to you. Depending on which codes you vibe with the most, you will learn much about yourself, your sacred work and the signature feminine vibrations you are meant to bring forth for all.

Once activated, new aspects of you often “come on line.”

New skills develop. 
New interests emerge. 
You may magnetize new levels of experiences and even people.


🌹 Rose Code (0) Zero is the foundational code for rose remembrance.

🌹 Rose Code 1 - The Rose Root Mother Code. Heals mother wounds and core patterns of separation. Reconnects the alchemical umbilicus.

🌹 Rose Code 2 -The Lunar Womb Code. Activates your primordial womb wisdom and awakens your ancient magnetic womb frequency templates.

🌹 Rose Code 3 - The Golden Ankh Isis Code. Activates solar priestess energy in your DNA. Amplifies core life force and your well spring of radiance.

🌹 Rose Code 4 -The Magdalene High Priestess code. Awakens the wild feminine red essence and expands self love, self honor, self belief, self reverence.

🌹 Rose Code 5 - The Holy Creatrix - Sacred Sound Code. This code activates your voice and enhances the power of your signature sound octave as a tool for creation.

🌹 Rose Code 6 -The Sacred Seer-Rose Initiate Code. This activation expands your intuitive and psychic ability and establishes your connection with the Rose Council.

🌹 Rose Code 7 - The Living Rose Resurrection Code. This sacred middle code allows you to access the zero point where “dove meets dragon” and new levels of mastery flow forth. The activation mantra is “I AM that I AM.” Fully human-fully divine.

🌹 Rose Code 8 - The Twin Flame, Infinity code. This is a code connected with the energy of the infinity symbol and it allows for balance within and without. Lunar meets Solar. Matter meets Multi-Dimension and Human merges with Higher Self.

🌹 Rose Code 9 - The Triple Rose Chalice Code. This powerful code is connected to the vibration (333). It actives the Chalice/Holy Grail template within you.

🌹 Rose Code 10 - The Flower of Life Venus Code. 10 is the number associated with the Master. This powerful code activates the Venusian flower of life pattern which is the frequency of the feminine christ at the very center of your rose heart.

🌹 Rose Code 11 - The Mother Mary Diamond Heart Dove code. This code activates the energy of the high heart and the vibrations of innocence, purity, forgiveness and open heartedness. This code also helps to heal deeply embedded inner child wounding.

🌹 Rose Code 12 - The Code of the Cosmic Rose. This code activates your 12 strands of crystalline DNA. It is a code associated with Sophia, Shekinah, and LOVE as pure life force that creates worlds.

🌹 Rose Code 13 - The Code of Rose Mastery. The Code of Personal Rose Mastery. In this activation you are transported to the Diamond Light Rose Gold Venutian Temple where you merge with your own vibrational mastery.


Each code contains 4 distinct experiences.


Come into sacred space, sit back, relax and LISTEN. You’ll be taken to the multi-dimensional realms to meet masters of the rose council who will activate, bless, heal and help you hold higher levels of light. Each audio journey is approx 20-30min long. Go at your own pace. Be at peace with doing them in your own order.


A sacred song activation pairs with each code to deepen and enrich your experience. Inhale, exhale, soften. Let the song and sounds wash over you. Many of the sacred songs, sounds and mantras will stay with you throughout the day. You are also invited to use these song activations in your own circles, ceremonies and sacred work.

The vibrakey is a sacred vibrational image designed to anchor specific energy in your subconscious. After all, images and symbols are the language of the psyche! These images are like soul stamps that illuminate the frequency of each code. The collection can printed out, laminated or framed. They can be used as oracle cards or altar objects.

In the final step, use your voice to activate each of the 14 rose code-decrees. Some came through in English, others came through in an ancient language of light.  Each decree creates a sacred script to use as daily prayer, spoken intention or to re-activate the codex and amplify more of your rose light!


To recap, when you purchase
The Rose Codex, you get:

  • 14 audio files

  • 14 song activations

  • A set of 14 full-color vibrakeys

  • A full script of 14 code decrees

PLUS you get these training videos specially from Marin:

  1. What is the Rose lineage and the Sisterhood of the Rose?

  2. How to work with the Rose Codex

  3. The Christ Point Activation video


In the Christ Point Activation video, Marin will lead you through a process for connecting with and then activating your own Christ point, which is your energy portal to the kingdom within. Once you activate the point, the Christ frequency brings life into divine order. Relationships deepen, health improves, your self love increases and you move into in alignment with the highest good each and every day.


Reveal your rose-light to the world.
Reactivate what is within you.
Reclaim The Beauty Way.
Remember who you are.
Radiate as the Goddess.
Rise, priestess rise!

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  I want to activate my Rose Codes!


Origins of The Rose Codex

The Rose Codes were intuitively received and created by Marin Bach-Antonson. They were brought into form with her co-priestess, Ankhara Rose, who created the song activations and vibrational art.


Marin Bach-Antonson is a Magdalene Rose High Priestess, a Mystic, womb-keeper and sacred way-shower for those on the path of the Divine Feminine.

Ankhara Rose is a sacred songstress, priestess, breath work facilitator and fempreneur.


There is a legion of illumined souls.

They were once wise women and way-showers.
One was known as the watch tower.
They walked the Earth.
Blessed the leylines.
Paved the path.
Planted the seeds.

. . .

They kept the secrets safe.
They tended the flame of Sophia.

They are the ones who whisper in the silence.
They are the love you meet in the stillness.

. . .

They are beckoning you to take your place, now, in the circle of rose sisterhood.

They sing in praise of your power.
They rejoice in your remembrance.

For it is known that through you, the long awaited codes will be anchored here on Earth at this time of great transition.

. . .

The time is now.
The cosmic rose is blooming.
A new world is birthing.
Your “BECOMING” is the greatest gift you will ever give.

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Certified Spiritual Director~Reiki Master~Sacred Feminine Embodiment & Divine Awareness Instructor

“Marin, I believe The Rose Codes are a brilliant body of work, a download of deep understanding of these energies. The codes have allowed me to receive specific remembrances for calibration, wisdom embodiments via phrases, chants, songs or images that I return to, to help myself hold the energies of the rose.”

Aromatherapist | Artist | Reiki Master | Rose Alchemist | Creator of Ritual & Rose Aromatica

“The rose codes have been so profound.  So far my favorite have been Rose codes 4 and 5. The Golden Ankh of Isis and the Magdalene High Priestess code. These have been so pivotal for my rose Priestess embodiment. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this medicine.”

Healer, Priestess, Family Constellation Practitioner

“I LOVE the codes.  What I found was that I can't do more than one at a time...and I have to wait until it's time to do the next one. It's been an intuitive process. And when I am called and do whichever one I'm called to, it ends up being absolutely perfect.  There are messages in them that are timed perfectly for my current experience. I feel the intelligence and the vibration from them. I really love them.”

Priestess/Participant in the Magdalane Rose Priestess Mastery program

“All of the codes open up something different, but Rose code 12 is the one that was really resonanted for me. The galactic energies felt like home. I had always sensed this but listening to this code helped to lift up and crystallize this knowing inside of me. I am so grateful for Marin and these codes.  The support has really helped me to open up more fully and has allowed me to have more confidence in myself throughout my journey.”


  I want to activate my Rose Codes!
