🌹 Rose Code (0) Zero is the foundational code for rose remembrance.
🌹 Rose Code 1 - The Rose Root Mother Code. Heals mother wounds and core patterns of separation. Reconnects the alchemical umbilicus.
🌹 Rose Code 2 -The Lunar Womb Code. Activates your primordial womb wisdom and awakens your ancient magnetic womb frequency templates.
🌹 Rose Code 3 - The Golden Ankh Isis Code. Activates solar priestess energy in your DNA. Amplifies core life force and your well spring of radiance.
🌹 Rose Code 4 -The Magdalene High Priestess code. Awakens the wild feminine red essence and expands self love, self honor, self belief, self reverence.
🌹 Rose Code 5 - The Holy Creatrix - Sacred Sound Code. This code activates your voice and enhances the power of your signature sound octave as a tool for creation.
🌹 Rose Code 6 -The Sacred Seer-Rose Initiate Code. This activation expands your intuitive and psychic ability and establishes your connection with the Rose Council.
🌹 Rose Code 7 - The Living Rose Resurrection Code. This sacred middle code allows you to access the zero point where “dove meets dragon” and new levels of mastery flow forth. The activation mantra is “I AM that I AM.” Fully human-fully divine.
🌹 Rose Code 8 - The Twin Flame, Infinity code. This is a code connected with the energy of the infinity symbol and it allows for balance within and without. Lunar meets Solar. Matter meets Multi-Dimension and Human merges with Higher Self.
🌹 Rose Code 9 - The Triple Rose Chalice Code. This powerful code is connected to the vibration (333). It actives the Chalice/Holy Grail template within you.
🌹 Rose Code 10 - The Flower of Life Venus Code. 10 is the number associated with the Master. This powerful code activates the Venusian flower of life pattern which is the frequency of the feminine christ at the very center of your rose heart.
🌹 Rose Code 11 - The Mother Mary Diamond Heart Dove code. This code activates the energy of the high heart and the vibrations of innocence, purity, forgiveness and open heartedness. This code also helps to heal deeply embedded inner child wounding.
🌹 Rose Code 12 - The Code of the Cosmic Rose. This code activates your 12 strands of crystalline DNA. It is a code associated with Sophia, Shekinah, and LOVE as pure life force that creates worlds.
🌹 Rose Code 13 - The Code of Rose Mastery. The Code of Personal Rose Mastery. In this activation you are transported to the Diamond Light Rose Gold Venutian Temple where you merge with your own vibrational mastery.